So I have been MIA for over a month. I know. If you are all still out there, things just have been sooo busy!!! Summer was busy, but wow, school has started and it is full steam ahead.
The last two days I have been teaching in a kindergarten class. I have a semi-long term sub job right now in a kindergarten class. It is a challenge. I am planning on continuing my journey through interest crafts as well as "Why Vegan". It may have to be every other Thursday / Tuesday.
I am adjusting to having my second child in full time school and my youngest in preschool. It doesn't seem possible. Time sure flies!!! There is a lot of exciting things happening this year ahead and I will reveal more in the future when it is for sure.
In the meantime- I really hope that you enjoyed your summer and are looking forward to as awesome as a fall as I am.